Plagiarism examination

Plagiarism is deliberate appropriation of authorship of another’s work, as well as using in his works fragments of other people’s work without reference on author.

Sometimes it is easy to establish plagiarism but only in case of complete coincidence of comparing products. But if amendments of author’s works are not significant, proving plagiarism becomes a quite difficult task, which can be decided only by experts. For example, in literary works protects not only the text itself, but also characters and title.

Court cannot reach a verdict which based only on assumptions. Therefore in cases of authorship rights’ (personal non-property right for recognizing him as the author of work) infringement judicial examination appoints, aimed at establishing the existence in author’s work with incorrect borrowing.

Plagiarism examination usually appoints by court, law enforcement agencies, one of the parties in pre-trial preparation for providing their evidence base.

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Requirements for the plagiarism examination:


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