Challenging of Rospatent resolutions

Any resolution of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) is not the ultimate truth. Experts are people too and they can make mistakes, therefore law provides quite an effective multi-level system of Rospatent appeals resolution.

In practice there are many cases of wrongful denials of Rospatent in the registration of trademarks, inventions and other objects, as well as the reverse situation, when Rospatent took the decision on registration of objects which obviously do not meet the legal requirements.

Rospatent resolutions can be challenged successively: firstly in an administrative procedure and then in court. However, for some categories of cases we must take legal actions immediately in court.

On appeal resolutions in administrative procedure they review by Rospatent (by the Chamber of Patent Disputes).

The judicial body authorized to consider cases on disputes concerning with granting and termination of legal protection of inventions, devices, industrial designs, trademarks, appellations of origin and other intellectual property rights is the Court of intellectual property rights which located in Moscow.

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Imposition of additional useless services is totally unacceptable for us. Our online price calculator will show you the cost of trademark registration. Also you can personally ask our specialists for detailed information about prices. Total price is final and can’t be changed.

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We will take all the clerical work for challenging of Rospatent resolution and make sure for restoration of justice

Federal service for intellectual property resolutions to be challenged:

Challenging of federal service for intellectual property (Rospatent) resolutions service requirements:


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