Industrial design examination

Generally proceedings initiate by the copyright owner who founded selling products which infringe exclusive right to an industrial design.

It is necessary in court’s cases about protection of exclusive right to an industrial design to establish that use of industrial designs is illegal.

However, in most cases, the court can not independently determine the fact of use of industrial designs and therefore as a rule judicial patent examination of an industrial design appointed.

Examination of industrial design is usually appointed by the court, law enforcement agencies, but also can be appointed in pre-trial procedure by one of the parties in pre-trial procedure.

The expert opinion is a strong proof of the illegal use fact of industrial designs and can be used as the basis of court’s decision about compensation from infringer.

High reputation

Law enforcement authorities and courts of all instances trust our company. The biggest local and international companies are among our constant clients. It confirms high standards of our work.

Wide popularity

Information about our company can be found on Moscow arbitration court’s website and on websites of most arbitration courts of Russian Federation.

High professional qualification

All our employees have high legal or economic education and wide work experience. We specialize on protection of intellectual property rights and we clearly can find a professional solution of any problem.

Finding out the fact of an illegal using of an industrial design

The industrial design can be recognized used if the product contains each sign of the industrial design or a complex of similar signs and if the registered design and the examination object look the same for an average consumer and has a similar function.


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