Legal protection of registered trademark works only in the Russian Federation. In other countries any person will be able to use for free your trademark and to register it by his name.
To be able to protect trademark rights abroad, you must either register it in each country through a local patent attorney or use the international trademark registration procedure.
International trademark registration is regulated by the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (1891) and the Protocol to this agreement (1989).
Madrid procedure of the international trademark registration currently allows to obtain legal protection in more than 100 of the most developed countries by filing single application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the single fee’ payment.
- A qualitative image of sign to be registered
- A note if there is a special font, what are the words and what does they mean, what meaning has the picture.
- A list of countries in which you want to get legal protection of your sign
- A note what services and goods this sign will relate to.
- A letter of attorney
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