Review of expert opinions

Review of expert opinions is a study of expert opinions on the compliance of their researching and of the current legislation and the facts of case.

Often parties bring to the court expert opinions with obvious to any specialist ignorance and prejudice.

Based on this opinion the court may make the wrong decision, because the vast majority of judges do not have special knowledge and cannot estimate the validity and consistency of expert opinion.

The main purpose of review of expert opinions is to find grounds for challenging erroneous or false expert opinion in order to defend your position in court or to apply for repeated and objective, independent examination which will hold more qualified and impartial expert.

High reputation

Law enforcement authorities and courts of all instances trust our company. The biggest local and international companies are among our constant clients. It confirms high standards of our work.

Wide popularity

Information about our company can be found on Moscow arbitration court’s website and also on websites of most arbitration courts of Russian Federation.

High professional qualification

All our employees have high legal or economic education and wide work experience. We specialize on protection of intellectual property rights and we clearly can find a professional solution of any problem.

Our specialists make reviews for experts opinions for all intellectual property cases:

Requirements for review of expert opinions we will need:


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